College | Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Head | Dr Lucy Bond |
McEvoy, E. 2012. "'Boo!’ to taboo”: Gothic Performance at British Festivals. in: Edwards, J. and Soltysik Monnet, A. (ed.) The gothic in contemporary literature and popular culture: PopGoth Routledge. pp. 165-181
Kelly, D. 2013. "An infinity of living forms, representative of the absolute”? Reading futurism with Pierre Albert-Birot as witness, creative collaborator and dissenter. in: Adamowicz, E. and Storchi, S. (ed.) Back to the futurists: the avant-garde and its legacy Manchester Manchester University Press.
Nath, M.J. 2011. "By curious sovereignty of art”: Wyndham Lewis and nihilism. Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies. 2, pp. 1-22.
Witchard, A. 2011. "Curious kisses": the Chinatown fantasies of Thomas Burke. in: Kunnemann, V. and Mayer, R. (ed.) Chinatowns in a transnational world: myths and realities of an urban phenomenon Abingdon Routledge. pp. 101-115
Lynch, F.M.B. 1998. "De Gaulle’s First Veto. France, the Rueff Plan and the Free Trade Area”, EUI Working Paper no. 98/2. EUI.
Kelly, D. 1990. "Et moi aussi je suis peintre": poetry, painting and the manipulation of typography. La Chouette. 23, pp. 29-47.
McEvoy, E. 2009. "I had to have this talk with you": Remediation in gothic music. in: Butler, M., Sepp, A. and Burger, P.R. (ed.) Sound fabrics: studies on the intermedial and institutional dimensions of popular music Trier Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. pp. 27-36
Kelly, D. 1998. "Les Fils du pauvre": poverty, knowledge and politics. in: Dunwoodie, P. and Hughes, E.J. (ed.) Constructing memories : Camus, Algeria and Le premier homme Stirling Stirling French Publications.
Wilson, L.G. 2013. "Miraculous constellations in real material”: spiritualist phenomena, dada photomontage and magic. in: Mays, S. and Matheson, N. (ed.) The machine and the ghost: technology and spiritualism in 19th to 21st century art and culture Manchester Manchester University Press.
Kelly, D. 2000. "Ode à Londres bombardé": Philippe Soupault, la guerre, l’Angleterre. in: Sebbag, G. and Nabert, N. (ed.) Philippe Soupault ou l’ombre frissonnante Paris Jean-Michel Place. pp. 137-155
Huc-Hepher, S. 2019. "On pourrait devenir londonien sans s'en rendre compte": Habitus and the Affective Creep of Settlement. British Parisians and London French: Living, Loving and Lingering in the Neighbour's City. University of Kent in Paris 07 - 07 Feb 2019
Wilson, L.G. 2003. "She in her 'armour' and he in his coat of nerves": May Sinclair and the re-writing of chivalry. in: Heilmann, A. (ed.) Feminist forerunners: new womanism and feminism in the early twentieth century London, UK Pandora. pp. 179-188
Kelly, D. 2013. "Silent transformations": ageing and the work of writing in Robert Pinget’s Théo ou le temps neuf. in: Charnley, J. and Verdier, C. (ed.) As time goes by: portraits of age Newcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 243-262
Zitouni, K. 2023. "Symbolic im-mobility'', "semantic dis-placements" and the politics of unauthorised migration representation in Moroccan and Algerian mainstream media. in: Cammarata, V., Mazzara, F. and Mechri, S. (ed.) Migrations: Socio-Cultural Contexts and Constitution Mimesis International. pp. 97-115
Lynch, F.M.B. and Guirao, F. 2011. "The Implicit Theory of Historical Change in the work of Alan S. Milward" Barcelona Graduate School in Economics Working Paper no. 586. Barcelona Graduate School in Economics.
Witchard, A. 2005. "Thomas Burke, the 'Laureate of Limehouse": a new biographical outline. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 48 (2), pp. 164-187.
Baker, J.H. 2002. "Toms Laocoon": a newly discovered poem by Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Victorian Poetry. 40 (3), pp. 261-266.
Cunningham, D.I. 2009. "Very abstract and terribly concrete": capitalism and the theory of the novel. Novel: a forum on fiction. 42 (2), pp. 311-317.
Kelly, D. 2007. "War! What is it good for?" The work of the group for War and Culture Studies. Journal of War and Culture Studies. 1 (1), pp. 3-7.
Nath, M.J. 2007. "We are unknown to ourselves, we knowers": more thoughts on Lewis's "paramount influence". in: Carmelo Cunchillos, J. (ed.) Wyndham Lewis the radical: essays on literature and modernity Peter Lang Bern, Switzerland. pp. 69-90
Shaw, S. 2024. "Well that was dignified, wasn’t it?”: floor apportionment and interaction in the televised debates. in: Jackson, Daniel and Thorsen, Einar (ed.) UK Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign Bournemouth University Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, Bournemouth University. pp. 132-134
Wang, C. 1998. "东亚现代化视野中的华人经济网络:以泰国为例的研究" (Overseas Chinese economic networks in the perspective of East Asian modernization: the case of Thailand). 华侨华人历史研究 (Overseas Chinese History Studies). (3), pp. 8-27.
Wang, C. 2004. "重塑香港的族群地图: 华人移民认同与族群建构的再认识" (Re-mapping Hong Kong’s sub-ethnicity landscape: a reconsideration of identity and ethnicity of Chinese diaspora). 社会学研究 (Sociological Studies). 6, pp. 90-100.
Speiser, P. 2022. ''Panzers Weclome?' Britische Reaktionen auf die Schiessuebungen der Bundeswehr in Wales 1961'. in: Echternkamp, J. and Nübel, C. (ed.) Deutsche Militärgeschichte in Europa 1945-1990: Repräsentation, Organisation und Tradition von Streitkräften in Demokratie und Diktatur Christoph Links Verlag.
Morrison, M. 2015. 'A Collection of Small Choices'. Hoxton Hall, London May 2015 - Jan 2018
Witchard, A. 2010. 'A fatal freshness': mid-Victorian suburbophobia. in: Phillips, L. and Witchard, A. (ed.) London gothic: place, space and the gothic imagination London Continuum. pp. 23-40
Avery, S. 2015. 'A new kind of rays': gothic fears, cultural anxieties and the discovery of X-rays in the 1890s. Gothic Studies. 17 (1), pp. 61-75.
Kelly, D. 2007. 'An unfinished death': the legacy of Albert Camus and the work of textual memory in contemporary European and Algerian literatures. International Journal of Francophone Studies. 10 (1&2), pp. 217-235.
Wielander, G. 2017. 'As plants grow towards sunlight': Amity's NGO development centre through the lens of history. in: Blanchard, J.M. and Lin, K.C. (ed.) Governance, Domestic Change, and Social Policy in China: 100 years after the Xinhai Revolution London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 45-66
Witchard, A. 2015. 'Beautiful, baleful absurdity': Chinoiserie and Modernist Ballet. in: Witchard, A. (ed.) British Modernism and Chinoiserie Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.
Speiser, P. 2018. 'Botschafter in Uniform? Die Beziehungen der Britischen Rheinarmee zur deutschen Zivilbevölkerung 1948–1957. in: Geschichte im Westen 33/2018 Klartext-Verlag Essen.
Henry, M. and John Fanning 2012. 'Brand Ireland' should be rethought and replaced. The Irish Times.
Zitouni, K. 2024. 'C'est notre refus d'accepter que l'Histoire s'écrive sans nous": "Moral Narcissism", "Self-Branding", and " Symbolic Violence" in Western Mediations of Refugee stories. ISSHT English Department 7th International Conference - Beyond Solipsism: Narcissism as the Spectacle of Self and Culture. Higher Institute of Human Sciences of Tunis 18 - 20 Apr 2024
Kelly, D. 1999. 'Committing to Memory': introduction to a cluster of papers selected from the GWACS 1998 Conference. Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies. 6, pp. 289-293.
Colby, G. 2012. 'Contemporary artists and the camera’, ‘Performance and participation’, ‘Bodies politic’, ‘Erotica’ and ‘Advertising'. in: Hacking, J. and Campany, D. (ed.) Photography: The Whole Story Thames & Hudson.
Peate, A. 2024. 'El Narco Está de Moda': Corporeality, Gender Violence and Narcoculture in Culiacán, Sinaloa. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 100 (10), pp. 1027-1051.
Huc-Hepher, S. and Kelly, D. 2010. 'France's children' at home in London? Contemporary lives and experiences of the London French.
Warwick, A. 2014. 'Gothic 1820-1880'. in: Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination British Library.