Global sport in the suburbs: the Regent Street Polytechnic’s sports facilities at Chiswick, 1888–1938

Clapson, M. 2014. Global sport in the suburbs: the Regent Street Polytechnic’s sports facilities at Chiswick, 1888–1938. London Journal. 39 (3), pp. 265-280.

TitleGlobal sport in the suburbs: the Regent Street Polytechnic’s sports facilities at Chiswick, 1888–1938
AuthorsClapson, M.

This article shows how the elite origins and religious mission of the Regent Street Polytechnic encouraged participation in amateur sport in London, and promoted the suburb of Chiswick as a global context for competitive sports. From the 1880s to the outbreak of World War 2, the Polytechnic and its facilities forged synergies between the city centre and the burgeoning suburbs in London, engendering a city-wide culture of amateur sports, and embedding the Polytechnic into a global network of athletes. Suburbs are typically presented by writers as being ‘on the edge’ of metropolitan life, but such perspectives are wrong. The West London suburb of Chiswick was the home of Polytechnic facilities that provided a dynamic context for the internationalization and modernization of sport in the capital.

JournalLondon Journal
Journal citation39 (3), pp. 265-280
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
PublishedNov 2014

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