
The online repository of research outputs from the University of Westminster’s academic community.


WestminsterResearch makes information about thousands of publications (many accompanied by the full text or a link to the full text on the publishers website) available through open access.

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Latest additions

Translator Training before James Holmes: The School of Translation Studies at China’s Imperial University of Peking
Wang, C. 2026. Forthcoming. Translator Training before James Holmes: The School of Translation Studies at China’s Imperial University of Peking. in: Batchelor, K. and Odrekhivska, I. (ed.) Translation Studies before Translation Studies UCL Press.

Orientalist Animation: Ma Liang and His Magic Paintbrush
Kendall, P. 2026. Forthcoming. Orientalist Animation: Ma Liang and His Magic Paintbrush. in: Holliday, Chris and McGowan, David (ed.) Encyclopedia of Animation Studies Volume 4: Characters and Aesthetic Bloomsbury Professional.

The Use of Smart Surveillance Technologies for Suicide Prevention in Public Spaces: A Professional Stakeholder Survey from the United Kingdom
Joyner, L., Cliffe, B., Mackenzie, J.-M., Pettersen, E., Philips, P., Marsh, I. and Marzano, L. Forthcoming. The Use of Smart Surveillance Technologies for Suicide Prevention in Public Spaces: A Professional Stakeholder Survey from the United Kingdom. BMC Public Health.

AI Talks: AI-Driven insights - challenges and examples when embedding AI in teaching and research
Espinoza Ramos, G. 2025. AI Talks: AI-Driven insights - challenges and examples when embedding AI in teaching and research.

Towards a Sellarsian Theory of Architecture.
Griffiths, S. 2025. Towards a Sellarsian Theory of Architecture. You Tube

Students as co-creators project: Understanding Students' preferences for Blended Learning approaches at Westminster Business School
Espinoza Ramos, G. 2025. Students as co-creators project: Understanding Students' preferences for Blended Learning approaches at Westminster Business School. https://doi.org/10.25416/NTR.28216091.v1

‘We don’t talk about that around here’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of South Asian men’s experiences of sexual violence in the UK
Widanaralalage Don, K., Jennings, S., Dando, C.J. and Mackenzie, J.-M. 2025. ‘We don’t talk about that around here’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of South Asian men’s experiences of sexual violence in the UK. BMC Psychology.

Impact of Online Interactive Decision Tools on Women’s Decision-Making Regarding Breast Cancer Screening: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Villain, P., Downham, L., Le Bonniec, A., Bauquier, C., Mandrik, O., Nadarzynski, T., Donelle, L., Murillo, R., Tolma, E., Johnson, S., Soler-Michel, P. and Smith, R. 2025. Impact of Online Interactive Decision Tools on Women’s Decision-Making Regarding Breast Cancer Screening: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 27 e65974. https://doi.org/10.2196/65974

The complex social, cultural and psychological drivers of the ‘chemsex’ experiences of men who have sex with men: a systematic review and conceptual thematic synthesis of qualitative studies
Mundy, E., Carter, A., Nadarzynski, T., Whiteley, C., de Visse, R. and Llewellyn, C. 2025. The complex social, cultural and psychological drivers of the ‘chemsex’ experiences of men who have sex with men: a systematic review and conceptual thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Frontiers in Public Health. 13 1422775. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2025.1422775

Chatbot -assisted self-assessment (CASA): Co-designing an AI -powered behaviour change intervention for ethnic minorities
Tom Nadarzynski, Knights, N., Deborah Husbands, Cynthia Graham, Carrie D. Llewellyn, Tom Buchanan, Ian Montgomery, Alejandra Soruco Rodriguez, Chimeremumma Ogueri, Nidhi Singh, Evan Rouse, Olabisi Oyebode, Ankit Das, Grace Paydon, Gurpreet Lall, Anathoth Bulukungu, Nur Yanyali, Alexandra Stefan and Damien Ridge 2025. Chatbot -assisted self-assessment (CASA): Co-designing an AI -powered behaviour change intervention for ethnic minorities. PLoS Digital Health. 4 (2), p. e0000724. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pdig.0000724