Modern foreign languages, higher education and mobile learning

Ticheler, N. 2010. Modern foreign languages, higher education and mobile learning. Southampton LLAS.

TitleModern foreign languages, higher education and mobile learning
AuthorsTicheler, N.

A review of literature on Modern Foreign Languages and mobile learning at Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on the importance of the context on students’ learning experience

Modern Foreign Language departments at Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom are considered to be in a precarious situation, with declining enrolments on specialist language degree courses, in a context of an ever-increasing diversification of the student population.

At the same time, many universities have launched programmes and developed strategies to expand the use of e-learning and mobile learning within their departments with a view to maximise students’ learning experience.

This paper will define mobile learning in the context of Modern Foreign Languages and will consider the importance of the learning context, based on theories of collaborative learning.

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Place of publicationSouthampton
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