Turbo-code division multiple access: capacity enhancement of mobile satellite systems using narrowband multiuser detection

Fines, P., Febvre, P. and Christofylaki, E. 2008. Turbo-code division multiple access: capacity enhancement of mobile satellite systems using narrowband multiuser detection. in: 10th International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications (ESA): Proceedings of a meeting held 6-8 October 2008, Rhode Island, Greece IEEE . pp. 1-5

Chapter titleTurbo-code division multiple access: capacity enhancement of mobile satellite systems using narrowband multiuser detection
AuthorsFines, P., Febvre, P. and Christofylaki, E.

This paper presents a new type of multiple access for fixed and mobile satellite communication systems aiming at improving the bandwidth efficiency of highly reliable links suited for air traffic management and other safety services, using compact and low cost terminals. The purpose of this work is to incorporate highly redundant turbo coding technology in the air interface and present a novel receiver architecture using narrowband multiuser detection to enhance the performance of the reservation access and random access signaling.

Book title10th International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications (ESA): Proceedings of a meeting held 6-8 October 2008, Rhode Island, Greece
Page range1-5
Publication dates
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1109/SPSC.2008.4686700

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