Planning and developing mixed income communities in England and Scotland: some early reflections on theory and practice

Haworth, A. 2008. Planning and developing mixed income communities in England and Scotland: some early reflections on theory and practice. in: Gullino, S., Haworth, A. and Raco, M. (ed.) Urban regeneration and sustainable communities: insights from the British Experience Milan, Italy Libreria CLUP Soc. Coop.. pp. 59-80

Chapter titlePlanning and developing mixed income communities in England and Scotland: some early reflections on theory and practice
AuthorsHaworth, A.
EditorsGullino, S., Haworth, A. and Raco, M.

The chapter examines definitions and theories of mixed tenure, benefits and costs, and barriers to developing such communities.

KeywordsMixed tenure, sustainable development
Book titleUrban regeneration and sustainable communities: insights from the British Experience
Page range59-80
PublisherLibreria CLUP Soc. Coop.
Place of publicationMilan, Italy

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