Arab media and political renewal: community, legitimacy and public life

Sakr, N. (ed.) 2007. Arab media and political renewal: community, legitimacy and public life. London I.B. Tauris.

TitleArab media and political renewal: community, legitimacy and public life
EditorsSakr, N.

Edited volume based on work developed by contributors to an ESRC-funded seminar series entitled 'Towards an Arab Public Sphere? The Impact of New Media Technologies on Public Life in the Arab World', organised by CAMRI in 2003-05. The book addresses questions about the connections between media and political change in the Arab world. Using research into audiences and election coverage, as well as the practices of internet users, journalists, demonstrators, NGOs and producers of reality TV, it explores the interface between public interaction over the airwaves, at the polls and on the streets.

KeywordsPublic sphere, internet, reality TV, youth audiences, diasporic audiences, peace-building, cultural studies
PublisherI.B. Tauris
Publication dates
Place of publicationLondon
SeriesLibrary of modern Middle East studies
Journal citation68

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