The journey

ten Brink, J. 2006. The journey.

Creatorsten Brink, J.

An essay film made on board the Trans Siberian Express. The Journey (16mm / DVD 20 min) is an essay film reflecting the changes aboard a train journey through space and time. Ten

Brink’s work uses narrative and non-narrative structures to portray the ‘real’ as a complex grid of space and time, culture and

memory. Thus memory, real time and dreams all find their own space in the train journey.

The film utilises cinematic language as cinematic ‘text’ which becomes a reflective text, mediating between filmmaker and

viewer. The Journey constantly shifts its parameters, asking the viewer to reassess the origin and meaning of the exotic content

of the film. In the repeated viewing context of looped gallery projection the numerous cinematic narratives and shifting points of

view in The Journey allow for multiple readings of the work.

Ten Brink was selected in 2005 to take part in an international conference on board the Trans Siberian Express. The conference

– Capturing the Moving Mind: Management and Movement in the Era of Permanently Temporary War - brought together 40

artists, political scientists, sociologists and media scholars from 20 countries. Along the route there were conferences in

Moscow, Novosibirsk and Beijing and a variety of art works and research papers were produced, culminating in a journal

publication and an exhibition at the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki (part of the ARS 06- Sense the Real

Exhibition). This included work by Jake and Dino Chapman, Jota Castro and Petah Coyne. The Journey was screened at the

cinema and as video loop in the gallery at Kiasma, and subsequently at London Gallery West, UK, (25.10.07 – 6.01.08). Ten

Brink has revised and updated his writings on Essay Film for publication in Film Quarterly in the USA in 2008.


Related outputs

ten Brink, J. and Oppenheimer, J. 2013. Invincible.

The call
ten Brink, J. 2013. The call.

Re-enactment, history of violence and documentary film
ten Brink, J. 2012. Re-enactment, history of violence and documentary film. in: ten Brink, J. and Oppenheimer, J. (ed.) Killer images: documentary film, memory and the performance of violence New York Columbia University Press.

The act of killing
Oppenheimer, J. and ten Brink, J. 2012. The act of killing.

Film archive
ten Brink, J. 2011. Film archive. in: Del Monte, M. (ed.) Far comprendere, far vedere cinema, Fruizione, multimedialità Venice, Italy Terra Ferma Edizioni.

Arts on Film Archive
ten Brink, J. 2007. Arts on Film Archive.

From camera-stylo to camera-crayon
ten Brink, J. 2007. From camera-stylo to camera-crayon. in: ten Brink, J. (ed.) Building bridges: the cinema of Jean Rouch London, UK Wallflower Press.

Building Bridges: the Cinema of Jean Rouch
ten Brink, J. 2007. Building Bridges: the Cinema of Jean Rouch. London, UK Wallflower Press.

Astruc and Rossellini
ten Brink, J. 2007. Astruc and Rossellini. in: ten Brink, J. (ed.) Building bridges: the cinema of Jean Rouch London, UK Wallflower Press.

The ethno-fiction films of Jean Rouchin
ten Brink, J. 2005. The ethno-fiction films of Jean Rouchin. in: Buryport critical forum London Royal College of Arts.

Puerto Rico trench
ten Brink, J. 2004. Puerto Rico trench.

Journey through the night
ten Brink, J. 2004. Journey through the night.

Conversation with architects
ten Brink, J. 2004. Conversation with architects.

'The man who couldn’t feel’ and other tales
ten Brink, J. 1997. 'The man who couldn’t feel’ and other tales.

The winter hunt
ten Brink, J. 1993. The winter hunt.

Going home
ten Brink, J. 1990. Going home.

ten Brink, J. 1988. Jacoba.

A door in the wall
ten Brink, J. 1987. A door in the wall.

Common ground
ten Brink, J. 1986. Common ground.

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