A novel adaptive wavelet-based approach for a class of singularly perturbed partial differential equations

Bacopoulos, A., Konstantinou, V., Ren, X. and Xanthis, L. 2005. A novel adaptive wavelet-based approach for a class of singularly perturbed partial differential equations. HERMIS: the international journal of computer mathermatics and its applications. 5, pp. 1-6.

TitleA novel adaptive wavelet-based approach for a class of singularly perturbed partial differential equations
AuthorsBacopoulos, A., Konstantinou, V., Ren, X. and Xanthis, L.
JournalHERMIS: the international journal of computer mathermatics and its applications
Journal citation5, pp. 1-6
YearJun 2005
Publication dates
PublishedJun 2005

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