A review of security threats on smart phones

Jahankhani, P., Ali, M. and Khatun, M. 2005. A review of security threats on smart phones. in: Jahankhani, H., Farmer, M., Mouratidis, H. and Preston, S.D. (ed.) Global E-security: Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference (GeS-05) ICGeS. pp. 54-63

Chapter titleA review of security threats on smart phones
AuthorsJahankhani, P., Ali, M. and Khatun, M.
EditorsJahankhani, H., Farmer, M., Mouratidis, H. and Preston, S.D.
Book titleGlobal E-security: Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference (GeS-05)
Page range54-63
Publication dates

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