Wrenching the machine around: EastEnders, the BBC and institutional change

McNicholas, A. 2004. Wrenching the machine around: EastEnders, the BBC and institutional change. Media, Culture & Society. 26 (4), pp. 491-512. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443704044214

TitleWrenching the machine around: EastEnders, the BBC and institutional change
AuthorsMcNicholas, A.

EastEnders is one of the most successful BBC programmes of recent years. Previous studies have concentrated on the text, its reception and its audiences. This article examines the project to get EastEnders on air from an institutional viewpoint. EastEnders was launched at a critical moment in the corporation’s history and was intended to demonstrate the BBC’s ability to produce popular programming. However, this required change both in the way programmes were commissioned and resourced, and in terms of professional culture at all levels of the organization. Using interviews with participants and internal documentation the article highlights problems, discussions and solutions involved.

(Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Ltd from McNicholas, Anthony (2004) Wrenching the machine around: EastEnders, the BBC and institutional change. © 2004 SAGE Publications).

KeywordsBBC, institutional change, planning, ratings, resources
JournalMedia, Culture & Society
Journal citation26 (4), pp. 491-512
YearJul 2004
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443704044214
Publication dates
PublishedJul 2004

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