Soundtrack to Bollywood Queen, film director Jeremy Wooding.

Beresford, S., Akhtar, N., Spencer, N. and Wooding, J. 2003. Soundtrack to Bollywood Queen, film director Jeremy Wooding. Arclight Films.

TitleSoundtrack to Bollywood Queen, film director Jeremy Wooding.
CreatorsBeresford, S., Akhtar, N., Spencer, N. and Wooding, J.

This soundtrack for the film Bollywood Queen includes the incidental music, and songs, with lyrics in English by Neil Spencer, translated into Urdu by Najma Akhtar. Beresford was commissioned by the director Jeremy Wooding. The soundtrack was recorded almost entirely in London, and was released separately on an Original Soundtrack album. Beresford composed a music track to amplify the on-screen action, giving a musical sense of place for a story which deals with transcultural romance and conflict. This relationship of music to image has similarities with Beresford’s research interests in free improvisation and performance. He worked in a collaborative, negotiated process between several parties. At times, the music and on-screen action would enjoy an extremely close, hyperexplicatory relationship, while at others he explored aspects of Chionian anempathy, always keeping these extremes in the sort of creative tension which embodies the complex identities and loyalties of the film’s protagonists.

These compositional principles have been applied to other types of music for screen. For example, Beresford’s composition of the opening title sequence and incidental music for the three series of Derren Brown: trick of the mind for Channel 4 TV. Beresford’s work as improviser, composer and performer was profiled in The Wire (April 2002, May 2005).

Year17 Oct 2003
Publication dates
Published17 Oct 2003
Output mediaCD

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