Security concerns in mobile code computation

Vasiu, L., Plaice, J., Kropf, P., Schulthess, P. and Slonim, J. 2002. Security concerns in mobile code computation. 4th International Conference on Distributed Communities on the Web (DCW 2002). Sydney, Australia 03-05 Apr 2002 Springer.

TitleSecurity concerns in mobile code computation
AuthorsVasiu, L., Plaice, J., Kropf, P., Schulthess, P. and Slonim, J.
TypeConference paper
Conference4th International Conference on Distributed Communities on the Web (DCW 2002)
Publication dates
Book titleDistributed Communities on the Web: 4th International Workshop, DCW 2002, Sydney, Australia, April 3-5, 2002. Revised Papers

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