Actitudes sefardies del siglo XIX y pensamiento sansimoniano reflejados en las carreras de Emile e Isaac Pereire, fundadores del Credit Mobilier

Alpert, M. 2001. Actitudes sefardies del siglo XIX y pensamiento sansimoniano reflejados en las carreras de Emile e Isaac Pereire, fundadores del Credit Mobilier. Sefarad. 61 (2), pp. 265-286.

TitleActitudes sefardies del siglo XIX y pensamiento sansimoniano reflejados en las carreras de Emile e Isaac Pereire, fundadores del Credit Mobilier
AuthorsAlpert, M.

The brothers Emile and Isaac Pereire were born at the beginning of the 19th century in the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community of Bordeaux, at a time when French Jews were moving towards full integration with society. They had been brought up in a Sephardi educational tradition reformed in the context of the Enlightenment. Consequently, they found their own views reflected in the Saint-Simonian movement and subscribed to its principles throughout their career, which they devoted to industrial progress on the basis of the prosperity of the small saver.

Journal citation61 (2), pp. 265-286
Publication dates

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