Towards an objective approach to the evaluation of videoconferencing

Hearnshaw, D. 2000. Towards an objective approach to the evaluation of videoconferencing. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 37 (3), pp. 210-217.

TitleTowards an objective approach to the evaluation of videoconferencing
AuthorsHearnshaw, D.

The evaluation of learning environments incorporating videoconference technology have too often relied exclusively on subjective data gathering methods. The use of these methods can cast doubt on the reliability of findings, and therefore it is important that a more objective approach can be adopted. The development and application of a new content analysis scheme is presented. It draws on the merits of previous schemes but focuses on factors which contribute to the quality of learning support by using category types readily identified within a videoconference tutorial environment. The strength of this objective approach is that data can be collected in a transparent manner within a representative educational environment. Observations arising from applying the scheme are given. Despite an element of subjectivity, the proposed scheme is thought to provide a useful tool capable of identifying the educational impact of variations within a videoconference learning environment.

JournalInnovations in Education and Teaching International
Journal citation37 (3), pp. 210-217
YearAug 2000
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
PublishedAug 2000

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