Espace liminal et naissance du poème dans Le Quatrième état de la matière

Kelly, D. 1995. Espace liminal et naissance du poème dans Le Quatrième état de la matière. La Chouette. Special Issue on Lorand Gaspar, pp. 22-27.

TitleEspace liminal et naissance du poème dans Le Quatrième état de la matière
AuthorsKelly, D.
JournalLa Chouette
Journal citationSpecial Issue on Lorand Gaspar, pp. 22-27
Publication dates

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Kelly, D. 2001. Mythes et metaphores chez Assia Djebar et Abdelkebir Khatibi. Le Maghreb Litteraire, revue Canadienne des litteratures maghrebines, Toronto. V (10), pp. 37-58.

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Kelly, D. 2000. The politics of identity, the poetics of identity: issues in post-colonial autobiographical discourses in North African writing in French. Journal of Algerian Studies. 4&5, pp. 79-98.

Une poétique du fantastique: une lecture de Quelqu'un et Baga
Kelly, D. 2000. Une poétique du fantastique: une lecture de Quelqu'un et Baga. in: Liéber, J.C. and Renouard, M. (ed.) Le chantier Robert Pinget: colloque de Tours: textes inédits, documents, manuscrits, bibliographie: œuvres, théâtre, critique Paris Jean-Michel Place. pp. 187-200

"Ode à Londres bombardé": Philippe Soupault, la guerre, l’Angleterre
Kelly, D. 2000. "Ode à Londres bombardé": Philippe Soupault, la guerre, l’Angleterre. in: Sebbag, G. and Nabert, N. (ed.) Philippe Soupault ou l’ombre frissonnante Paris Jean-Michel Place. pp. 137-155

Committing to memory
Kelly, D. 2000. Committing to memory. in: Kelly, D. (ed.) Remembering and representing the experience of war in twentieth-century France Lewiston ; Lampeter Edward Mellen.

Myth and metaphor: the power of propoganda in twentieth-century warfare
Holman, V. and Kelly, D. 2000. Myth and metaphor: the power of propoganda in twentieth-century warfare. in: Holman, V. and Kelly, D. (ed.) France at war in the twentieth century: propaganda, myth and metaphor Oxford Berghahn.

A reading of the structures of La Guerre (1916) by Pierre Albert-Birot
Kelly, D. 1999. A reading of the structures of La Guerre (1916) by Pierre Albert-Birot. in: Heusser, M., Hannoosh, M., Hoek, L., Schoell-Glass, C. and Scott, D. (ed.) Text and visuality: word & image interactions III Amsterdam ; Atlanta, Ga Rodopi. pp. 129-138

'Committing to Memory': introduction to a cluster of papers selected from the GWACS 1998 Conference
Kelly, D. 1999. 'Committing to Memory': introduction to a cluster of papers selected from the GWACS 1998 Conference. Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies. 6, pp. 289-293.

"Les Fils du pauvre": poverty, knowledge and politics
Kelly, D. 1998. "Les Fils du pauvre": poverty, knowledge and politics. in: Dunwoodie, P. and Hughes, E.J. (ed.) Constructing memories : Camus, Algeria and Le premier homme Stirling Stirling French Publications.

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Kelly, D. 1997. Loss and recuperation, order and subversion: post-war painting in France 1945-51. French Cultural Studies. 8 (22), pp. 53-66.

Une lecture de La Guerre: la matrice d'une poétique
Kelly, D. 1997. Une lecture de La Guerre: la matrice d'une poétique. in: Renouard, M. (ed.) Pierre Albert-Birot: laboratoire de modernité; Les états poétiques, poème inédit Paris Jean-Michel Place. pp. 65-78

Pierre Albert-Birot: a poetics in movement, a poetics of movement
Kelly, D. 1997. Pierre Albert-Birot: a poetics in movement, a poetics of movement. London and New Jersey Associated University Press.

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Kelly, D. 1996. Working with semiotic theory or, How can I believe what you tell me? La Chouette. Special Issue Semiotics and Interpretation, pp. 2-5.

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Kelly, D. 1996. From painter to poet: the visual poetry of Pierre Albert-Birot in la lune ou le livre des poèmes. Forum for Modern Language Studies. XXXII (1), pp. 37-54.

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Kelly, D. 1991. Monsieur Phantasticus: modes of living and narrating. La Chouette. Special Issue on Robert Pinget, pp. 35-43.

"Et moi aussi je suis peintre": poetry, painting and the manipulation of typography
Kelly, D. 1990. "Et moi aussi je suis peintre": poetry, painting and the manipulation of typography. La Chouette. 23, pp. 29-47.

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