Flying Circus 010, The Marriage of Lumen & Lux

2014. Flying Circus 010, The Marriage of Lumen & Lux. London, EC1V0BN Miniminx Publications.

TitleFlying Circus 010, The Marriage of Lumen & Lux

The first in an on-going series of Miniminx Publications in Architecture, promoting the research and imaginings of The Big Air World. Founded in the early 21st century, the Big Air World (BAW) is an autonomous design research unit, exploring the possibilities of sustainable practices in the Global Age, its motto: going into space without a rocket. This issue contains an essay on the origins of BAW's signature colour form, the Air Grid. BAW's colour form is poised on the threshold of the divisible space of lumen and the dissoluble space of lux. Unlike perspective, which fuses lumen and lux into a pictorial space simulating visual representation, Air Grid reveals vision at work, slowing down the process of vision so that the viewer can actually see how they are inextricably caught-up in that process. Air Grid experience cannot be captured in words and images and so it eludes the medium of print; but it can be theorised and used as a means of drawing. Included in the Flying Circus 010 package are small, A5 reproductions of six, large, Vector paintings depicting six Air Grid characters, Abb, Igl, Ooh, Wol, Tig & Xor.

KeywordsFlying Circus 010, Lumen and Lux, Dr VA Watson, Air Grid
Place of publicationLondon, EC1V0BN
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