Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management

Woltjer, J., Alexander, E.R., Hull, A. and Ruth, M. (ed.) 2015. Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management. Farnham Ashgate.

TitlePlace-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management
EditorsWoltjer, J., Alexander, E.R., Hull, A. and Ruth, M.

This book brings together contributions from experts in the fields of spatial planning, regional science and infrastructure management to tackle an emerging agenda of spatially oriented integrated evaluation. The book sets out to clarify the nature and roles of evaluation in the wider context of current planning and policy practices. The aim is also to present current academic thinking and concepts, case studies, methods, and policy and practice review, examining and assessing integrated land-use management.

Place of publicationFarnham

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