Women architects in West and East Berlin 1949-1969: reconstructing the difference: a contribution to Berlin building history and knowledge about women architects’ conditions of professionalization

Droste, C. 2014. Women architects in West and East Berlin 1949-1969: reconstructing the difference: a contribution to Berlin building history and knowledge about women architects’ conditions of professionalization. PhD thesis University of Westminster Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment https://doi.org/10.34737/98w5z

TitleWomen architects in West and East Berlin 1949-1969: reconstructing the difference: a contribution to Berlin building history and knowledge about women architects’ conditions of professionalization
TypePhD thesis
AuthorsDroste, C.
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.34737/98w5z

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/98w5z/women-architects-in-west-and-east-berlin-1949-1969-reconstructing-the-difference-a-contribution-to-berlin-building-history-and-knowledge-about-women-architects-conditions-of-professionalization

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