The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: volume 1

Wilson, L.G., Warwick, A. and Teverson, A. (ed.) 2015. The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: volume 1. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.

TitleThe Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: volume 1
TypeScholarly edition
EditorsWilson, L.G., Warwick, A. and Teverson, A.

This is the first critical edition of the works of Andrew Lang (1844-1912), the Scottish writer whose enormous output spanned the whole range of late nineteenth century intellectual culture. Neglected since his death, partly because of the diversity of his interests and the volume of his writing, his cultural centrality and the interdisciplinary nature of his work make him a vital figure for contemporary scholars. This volume covers his work in anthropology, including that on fairy tale, folklore, the origins of religion, and psychical research.

KeywordsAndrew Lang, anthropology, fairy tale, folklore, religion, spiritualism, psychical research
PublisherEdinburgh University Press
Publication dates
Published22 May 2015
Place of publicationEdinburgh

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