Arztgeschichten: Zur chinesischen Medizinkultur, 1926-2015 [Physicians' Stories: On the Culture of Chinese Medicine, 1926-2015]

Springer, L. Behr, W., Chiavacci, D., Riemenschnitter, A., Souyri, P.F., Steineck, R.C., Zhang, L. and Zufferey, N. (ed.) 2023. Arztgeschichten: Zur chinesischen Medizinkultur, 1926-2015 [Physicians' Stories: On the Culture of Chinese Medicine, 1926-2015]. Berlin, Boston de Gruyter Mouton.

TitleArztgeschichten: Zur chinesischen Medizinkultur, 1926-2015 [Physicians' Stories: On the Culture of Chinese Medicine, 1926-2015]
AuthorsSpringer, L.
EditorsBehr, W., Chiavacci, D., Riemenschnitter, A., Souyri, P.F., Steineck, R.C., Zhang, L. and Zufferey, N.
Publisherde Gruyter Mouton
Publication dates
Published03 Aug 2023
Place of publicationBerlin, Boston

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