Reverberations: The Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics of Noise

Goddard, M., Halligan, B and Hegarty, P (ed.) 2012. Reverberations: The Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics of Noise. London Bloomsbury Academic.

TitleReverberations: The Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics of Noise
EditorsGoddard, M., Halligan, B and Hegarty, P

A publication emerging out of a successful international conference I co-organised on noise in 2010. The first of two volumes, this one focuses on noise as an aesthetic, political and cultural concept, and a range of noise practices beyond purely sonic ones, such as audiovisual noise and noise in communication theory. It argues that noise is fundamental to contemporary communication practices and facilitates a reversal of perspective in how these practices can be understood

KeywordsNoise, glitch, audiovisual media, communication theory, cinema, contemporary art, noise politics
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Publication dates
PublishedMay 2012
Place of publicationLondon

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