Mark E. Smith and The Fall: Art, Music and Politics

Goddard, M. and Halligan, B (ed.) 2010. Mark E. Smith and The Fall: Art, Music and Politics. Ashgate.

TitleMark E. Smith and The Fall: Art, Music and Politics
EditorsGoddard, M. and Halligan, B

This is the first book of critical essays devoted to post-punk legends Mark E Smith and the Fall, examining the group form a number of different perspectives, including their relations with Manchester and the North, post-punk aesthetics
cultural politics, fandom and contemporary media. As John Peel famously said, this group was 'always different, yet always the same', and deserving of more academic attention than they have so far received.

KeywordsThe Fall, Manchester, The North, Popular Music, Postpunk, Aesthetics, fandom
Publication dates
PublishedJun 2010

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