Family troubles?

Jane Ribbens McCarthy, Carol-Ann Hooper and Val Gillies (ed.) 2014. Family troubles? Bristol Policy Press.

TitleFamily troubles?
EditorsJane Ribbens McCarthy, Carol-Ann Hooper and Val Gillies

As the everyday lives of children and young people are increasingly understood as matters of public policy and concern, the question of how we can understand the difference between normal” family troubles and troubled or troubling families has become more important. In this timely and thought-provoking book, a wide range of contributors address topics such as infant care, sibling conflict, divorce, disability, illness, substance abuse, violence, kinship care, and forced marriage, in an effort to explore how the concept of trouble features in normal families and how the concept of normal features in troubled families.

KeywordsFamily, policy, children, troubles
PublisherPolicy Press
Publication dates04 Apr 2013
Place of publicationBristol
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