Collaborations with the Victoria & Albert Museum

Springer, J. Forthcoming. Collaborations with the Victoria & Albert Museum.

TitleCollaborations with the Victoria & Albert Museum
AuthorsSpringer, J.

Various curatorial collaborations exploring identity, music, culture and sociology.


For the Post Modernism, Style & Subversion exhibition (Sept 2011-Jan 2012):

On-stage interviews with musicians Mykaell Riley, Donn Letts & David McAlmont, explored individual histories that musically and sartorially charted and challenged notions of atypical black British male identity through its 'subversive' expression via reggae, rock, pop and indie music.

Figures & Fictions: Contemporary South African Photography (April - July 2011)

On-stage interview with photographer and presenter Normski, which sought to explore the legacy of colonialism on British-based photographic lenses focused on black British and African American musicians.

'Hendrix at 70'

Two events arranged to celebrate what would have been Jimi Hendrix's 70th birthday sought to explore his fashioned identity and representation in the still and moving image.

The Hussar jacket, commandeered by a generation of young men & women in the 1960s & worn subversively was historically appraised by military fashion historian Erica Arnold (complemented by imagery from the Imperial War Museum) while Gered Mankowitz & Joe Boyd explored their photographic and filmed output on Hendrix.

'Club to Catwalk' (July 2013- February 2014)

'From the Decks to the Runway' sought to examine the influence of social and musical subcultures on the popularisation of clothing that *responds to sound* and, in turn, influences 'formal' fashion design and mainstream sartorial aesthetics.

Conducting on-stage interviews with renowned DJ Norman Jay, esteemed fashion stylist Karen Binns and noted curator and academic Carol Tulloch, the literal journey of sound FROM the record decks TO the fashion runway was charted via the guests' expert careers and insights.

KeywordsIdentity; culture; music; gender
Web address (URL)

Related outputs

Finding Fela: Onstage Q&A
Springer, J. 2015. Finding Fela: Onstage Q&A.

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Springer, J. 2015. Interview with Lemi Ghariokwu. 16 Oct 2015

Black Women of Soul, Rock & Pop
Springer, J. 2013. Black Women of Soul, Rock & Pop.

Out of this World: Space Children: From Dr Funkenstein to the ArchAndroid
Springer, J. 2011. Out of this World: Space Children: From Dr Funkenstein to the ArchAndroid. British Libary 18 - 18 Jun 2011

Union Black at the London College of Fashion
Springer, J. 2009. Union Black at the London College of Fashion. LCF campuses 18 Feb - 03 Mar 2009

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