Innovation In Music II

Hepworth-Sawyer, R., Hodgson, J., Toulson, R. and Paterson, J. L. (ed.) 2017. Innovation In Music II. Bath, UK Future Technology Press.

TitleInnovation In Music II
EditorsHepworth-Sawyer, R., Hodgson, J., Toulson, R. and Paterson, J. L.

Innovation in Music 2015 (InMusic’15) was an international conference organised by KES International and an multi-disciplinary International Programme Committee. Hosted by Conference Chair Dr Rob Toulson, Director of the Cultures of the Digital Economy Research Institute at Anglia Ruskin University, the conference took place over the 7th to 9th June 2015 in Cambridge, UK.

Innovation in Music broadly represents all aspects of innovation in the field of music, particularly encompassing music performance, audio technology, music production and the commercial music industries. The conference acted as a forum for industry experts and professionals to mix with researchers and academics to report on the latest advances and exchange ideas.

Award winning industry experts including David Wrench, Tim Exile, Peter Jenner, Mandy Parnell, Gary Bromham, Bryan Martin and Simon Gogerly contributed to the conference keynote presentations. This volume contains the transcript of the music production keynote interview with Mix Engineer David Wrench, who was recently award the UK Music Producers’ Guild award for Mix Engineer of the Year. Also included are articles developed from presentations delivered at the conference and subsequently invited for peer-reviewed inclusion as chapters in this text. This book therefore gives a broad and detailed overview of modern and cross-disciplinary innovations in the world of music.

KeywordsMusic Innovation
PublisherFuture Technology Press
Publication dates
Published16 Jan 2017
Place of publicationBath, UK
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