The Stone Lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars

Mnatsakanyan, L. 2017. The Stone Lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars. PhD thesis University of Westminster Architecture

TitleThe Stone Lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars
TypePhD thesis
AuthorsMnatsakanyan, L.

"The Stone lab: Decoding Shikahogh Khachkars" is an MPhil by design, seeking to describe the role of Khachkar in formation of Armenian national identity through studies of the stone masonry and the notion of a territory, which in this case is represented with the Shikahogh village (Figs. 1 and 2). Although much study has been done on Khachkars in general, no prior research has been conducted on the historic cradle of Khachkars that is Shikahogh. The Stone lab aims to discover and interpret the stories of Shikahogh unknown Khachkars. Therefore the hybrid approach of experimental archaeology and digital reconstruction have been employed at the Shikahogh lab to unveil the hidden inscriptions of these Khachkars as well as to narrate the functions and technological processes behind their creation. This research portrays the driving factors of belonging and identify preservation underneath the context of Khachkar and Petroglyphic heritage of Armenia.

PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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