Tiangao or tianxia? The ambiguities of CCTV's English-language news for Africa

Marsh, V. 2018. Tiangao or tianxia? The ambiguities of CCTV's English-language news for Africa. in: Thussu, D.K., de Burgh, H. and Shi, A. (ed.) China's Media Go Global Abingdon Routledge. pp. 103-121

Chapter titleTiangao or tianxia? The ambiguities of CCTV's English-language news for Africa
AuthorsMarsh, V.
EditorsThussu, D.K., de Burgh, H. and Shi, A.
KeywordsChina, media, CCTV, CGTN, Africa, journalism, news, positive, constructive
Book titleChina's Media Go Global
Page range103-121
Publication dates
Published in print2018
Published27 Nov 2017
Place of publicationAbingdon

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