The Touch of Iconoclasm

Pitcher, B. 2020. The Touch of Iconoclasm. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 23 (2), pp. 454-473.

TitleThe Touch of Iconoclasm
TypeJournal article
AuthorsPitcher, B.

This article reflects on some depicted, intentional acts of iconoclasm undertaken by Isis in Northern Iraq, and viewed as online videos. It attempts to consider what makes these moving images compelling to audiences who share an orientation to the protection and preservation of ancient artefacts. In doing so it prompts a reflection on their circulation as part of stories that get told about cultural heritage, and particularly the simple civilizational oppositions that get set up between ‘Western’ and ‘Islamic’ culture. Centring on the significance of the sensation of touch to practices of cultural inscription, it suggests that the Northern Iraq videos animate forms of synaesthesic material engagement that are denied by the modernist technologies of museum culture.

Keywordsiconoclasm, Isis, cultural heritage, touch, postcoloniality
JournalEuropean Journal of Cultural Studies
Journal citation23 (2), pp. 454-473
Accepted author manuscript
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published online10 Apr 2018
Published in print01 Jun 2020

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