The Futures of the City Region

Neuman, M. and Hull, A. (ed.) 2011. The Futures of the City Region. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

TitleThe Futures of the City Region
EditorsNeuman, M. and Hull, A.

Does the city region constitute a new departure in urbanisation? If so, what are the key elements of that departure? The rise of global networks enabled by supranational administrations, both governmental and corporate, strongly influences and structures urban life. Two themes interweave throughout this collection of articles, within this broad palette. First are the socio-spatial constructs and their relationship to the empirical evidence of change in the physical and functional aspects of urban form. Second is that they mean for the spatial scales of governance.

Keywordscity, region, planning, governance, spatial, urban
Publication dates
Published in print08 Apr 2011
Place of publicationAbingdon, Oxon

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