Drawing as Research

Difford, R.J. 2016. Drawing as Research. Robin Evans Memorial Series: About Bob Evans. University of Westminster 03 - 03 Mar 2016

TitleDrawing as Research
AuthorsDifford, R.J.
TypeConference paper

Robin Evans Memorial Series: About Bob Evans
Thursday 3rd March, 2016
“This symposium reflected on, commemorated and celebrated the life, work and influence of Bob Evans, the architect and educator. A Senior Lecturer at University of Westminster between 1986 and 1993, Bob Evans was much loved by his colleagues and students, and used his penetrating intellect and brilliantly creative mind to enlighten at every level and promote enthusiasm and optimism in the field of architecture. Evans lectured widely at world renowned institutions including Harvard, Cambridge and the Architectural Association and his many essays and reviews were regularly published in journals such as Casa Bella, Architectural Review and AA Files.”

Paper: Drawing as Research (Richard Difford)
This paper focussed on the use of drawing as a tool for research. Tracing the use of this device in Robin Evan’s work, alongside his reflections on the role of representation in architecture, the paper seeks to understand the power of drawing as an analytical tool. The legacy of Robin Evans work in the research conducted by MArch dissertation students is also explored revealing the diverse ways in which drawing and graphical reconstruction have been employed.

Keywordsdrawing, architectural, history
ConferenceRobin Evans Memorial Series: About Bob Evans
Accepted author manuscript

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