A Businessman's Arrest and the Decline of a Regime

Herasimenka, A. 2015. A Businessman's Arrest and the Decline of a Regime. New Eastern Europe.

TitleA Businessman's Arrest and the Decline of a Regime
AuthorsHerasimenka, A.

On the April 3rd 2015 one of the most prominent hi-tech entrepreneurs of Belarus, Viktar Prakapenia, was arrested in Minsk. By the time the arrest was formally announced in the media,the businessman had already spent more than two weeks in prison. Prakapenia was accused of illegal business activity, specifically making websites and publishing ads on the Internet without state registration “within an organised criminal group” between 2006 and 2008.

Output mediaMagazine article
PublisherNew Eastern Europe
Publication dates
Published12 May 2015
Web address (URL)http://neweasterneurope.eu/articles-and-commentary/1581-a-businessman-s-arrest-and-the-decline-of-a-regime

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Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/q8qq5/a-businessman-s-arrest-and-the-decline-of-a-regime

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