A Stepping Stone to Employment? An Evaluation of the Permitted Work Rules – Wave 2

Dewson, S., Davis, S. and Loukas, G. 2004. A Stepping Stone to Employment? An Evaluation of the Permitted Work Rules – Wave 2. Brighton Institute for Employment Studies.

TitleA Stepping Stone to Employment? An Evaluation of the Permitted Work Rules – Wave 2
AuthorsDewson, S., Davis, S. and Loukas, G.

Incapacity-related benefits provide people who have to stop working because of illness or disability with a measure of earnings replacement.

Under the permitted work rules (introduced in April 2002), incapacity-related benefit claimants may work up to 16 hours per week and earn a set amount each week but for a limited period of time only (a maximum of 52 weeks).

The rules are intended to encourage claimants, where they are able, to plan a gradual return to the world of work. The research:

investigated the characteristics and experiences of the people who make use of the new rules
looked at who does and does not make use of the new permitted work rules
explored the extent to which the new rules provide a 'stepping stone' to employment for clients
explored the use of the new rules by Jobcentre Plus staff.

The findings have implications for future incapacity-benefit policy.

PublisherInstitute for Employment Studies
Place of publicationBrighton
Publication dates
Web address (URL)https://www.employment-studies.co.uk/resource/stepping-stone-employment

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/q8x08/a-stepping-stone-to-employment-an-evaluation-of-the-permitted-work-rules-wave-2

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