A New Agenda for Sustainable Development

Policy Studies Institute 2002. A New Agenda for Sustainable Development. London Policy Studies Institute.

TitleA New Agenda for Sustainable Development
AuthorsPolicy Studies Institute


The overall goal of the Sustainable Development Research Network is to contribute to sustainable development in the United Kingdom by facilitating the better use of evidence and research in policy-making. This report aims to contribute to this goal by identifying:

- current knowledge gaps, research opportunities and UK policy needs for cross-cutting research on sustainable development issues
- key priorities for such research
- barriers to the promotion and implementation
- recommendation for funding bodies to overcome these barriers
- measures to improve the use of research in sustainable development policy-making and practice

PublisherPolicy Studies Institute
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/q90wq/a-new-agenda-for-sustainable-development

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