Gaywaves: Transcending Boundaries - the Rise and Demise of Britain's First Gay Radio Program

Wilson, P. and Linfoot, M. 2018. Gaywaves: Transcending Boundaries - the Rise and Demise of Britain's First Gay Radio Program. in: Follmer, G. and Badenoch, A. (ed.) Transnationalzing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium transcript Verlag. pp. 73-80

Chapter titleGaywaves: Transcending Boundaries - the Rise and Demise of Britain's First Gay Radio Program
AuthorsWilson, P. and Linfoot, M.
EditorsFollmer, G. and Badenoch, A.

At the beginning of 1982 an array of conflicting forces were working to shape the landscape of Europe's metropolitan radio services, and to alternatively control, commodify or liberate its gay communities. This paper examines the drivers, which inspired Gaywaves, a nascent weekly gay community radio programme broadcasting to an inner London audience on pirate station Our Radio from May 1982 until March 1983.

KeywordsGaywaves LGBTQ Radio Our Radio Philip Cox
Book titleTransnationalzing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium
Page range73-80
Publishertranscript Verlag
Publication dates
Published02 Oct 2018
Web address (URL)
LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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