BUG: Interactive and Immersive Narratives

Paz, A., Gaudenzi, S, Salles, J., Maciel, K.A., Gifreu-Castells, A., Cruz, J. and De La Vega, X. Paz, A. and Gaudenzi, S. (ed.) 2019. BUG: Interactive and Immersive Narratives. Rio de Janeiro automatica.

TitleBUG: Interactive and Immersive Narratives
AuthorsPaz, A., Gaudenzi, S, Salles, J., Maciel, K.A., Gifreu-Castells, A., Cruz, J. and De La Vega, X.
EditorsPaz, A. and Gaudenzi, S.

This book is one of the outputs of The BUG Exhibition: Interactive and Immersive Narratives, held in the Oi Futuro Flamengo Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between September 11th to October 9th, 2018.
The aim of the exhibition was to expose the Brazilian public to the growing field of digital interactive narratives. A conference and workshop where organised in conjunction to the exhibition.
This book is therefore much more than a catalogue: it summarises all the work that was exposed to constitute an anthology of interactive narratives, but it also offers three full chapters to help Brazilian audiovisual producers to navigate this new space. Mixing new articles, interviews, case studies and a brief anthology of seminal interactive works, this book is an introduction to the field which we hope will inspire new projects in the production or research of interactive and immersive narratives.
The book is devised in two parts as it contains a Portuguese and an English version.

Keywordsinteractive narratives
immersive narratives
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
digital storytelling
Publication dates
PublishedApr 2019
Place of publicationRio de Janeiro
Web address (URL)https://issuu.com/bug404/docs/paz_and_gaudenzi_bug_2019_en

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/qqyy0/bug-interactive-and-immersive-narratives

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