Lesbians On Television: New Queer Visibility and The Lesbian Normal

McNicholas Smith, K. 2020. Lesbians On Television: New Queer Visibility and The Lesbian Normal. Bristol Intellect.

TitleLesbians On Television: New Queer Visibility and The Lesbian Normal
AuthorsMcNicholas Smith, K.

This book explores the mediation of contemporary LGBTQ+ inclusion: as same-sex marriage took centre stage in LGBTQ+ rights, representations imagined lesbians brides. Lesbians on TV develops a queer feminist analysis of the limits and possibilities of this new queer visibility in popular culture; tracking contemporary figurations of lesbian, bisexual and queer women across multiple platforms - from teen dramas to soap operas to Tumblr pages and fanfiction stories to news and magazine media - and drawing on interviews with queer fans. In doing so it examines the forms of intimacy, identity and inclusion that are opened up, and closed down, in the contemporary mediation of 'the lesbian normal'.

Popular Culture
Publication dates
Published16 Nov 2020
Place of publicationBristol
Web address (URL)https://www.intellectbooks.com/lesbians-on-television

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