MAPEANDO CENAS DA MÚSICA POP Materialidade, Redes e Arquivos Volume II

Goddard, M., Amaral, A., Bomfim, I, Conter, M., Fischer, G. and Silveira, F (ed.) 2019. MAPEANDO CENAS DA MÚSICA POP Materialidade, Redes e Arquivos Volume II. Porto Alegre Marca de Fantasia.

TitleMAPEANDO CENAS DA MÚSICA POP Materialidade, Redes e Arquivos Volume II
EditorsGoddard, M., Amaral, A., Bomfim, I, Conter, M., Fischer, G. and Silveira, F

This book is the second volume to be published from the concluding symposium that I organised as the culmination of my CAPES funded Special Visiting Researcher Fellowship "Creative Industries, Cities and Popular Music Scenes: The Social Media Mapping of Popular Music Scenes" (2014-2017) at Unisinos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It features chapters from academic researchers and postgraduate students involved with the project, as well as leading researchers on popular music scenes across Brazil. The project was the first of its kind to receive the prestigious PVE fellowship and introduced new methods into popular music research in Brazil based on mapping methodologies, psychogeography, and media archaeology to research the intersections between cities, music scenes and mobile and digital technologies. Chapters in the volume subtitled "materialities, networks, archives", range from considerations of Beyoncé in Brazil, to New Tropicalia and Vapourwave genres, to live performance with found objects, to the pedagogical mobile cartographic methods deployed in the seminars I conducted in 2014-2015 at Unisinos and in the streets of Cidade Baixa.

KeywordsPopular music, Scenes, Cartogrpahic Methods, Mateiralities, Networks, Archives, Media Archaeology
PublisherMarca de Fantasia
Publication dates
Published31 May 2019
Place of publicationPorto Alegre

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