The Cardiovascular system

Gaze, D.C. (ed.) 2012. The Cardiovascular system. Croatia InTech Publishing.

TitleThe Cardiovascular system
EditorsGaze, D.C.

The cardiovascular system includes the heart located centrally in the thorax and the vessels of the body which carry blood. The cardiovascular (or circulatory) system supplies oxygen from inspired air, via the lungs to the tissues around the body. It is also responsible for the removal of the waste product, carbon dioxide via air expired from the lungs. The cardiovascular system also transports nutrients such as electrolytes, amino acids, enzymes, hormones which are integral to cellular respiration, metabolism and immunity. This book is not meant to be an all encompassing text on cardiovascular physiology and pathology rather a selection of chapters from experts in the field who describe recent advances in basic and clinical sciences. As such, the text is divided into three main sections: Cardiovascular Physiology, Cardiovascular Diagnostics and lastly, Clinical Impact of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology.

PublisherInTech Publishing
Publication dates
Published25 Apr 2012
Place of publicationCroatia
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
LicenseCC BY 3.0

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