Advancing Health and non-Health Security, Diplomacy and International Relations through the Enlightened Design and Delivery of Smart Global Health Programs

Kevany, S. 2018. Advancing Health and non-Health Security, Diplomacy and International Relations through the Enlightened Design and Delivery of Smart Global Health Programs. PhD thesis University of Westminster Department of Politics and International Relations

TitleAdvancing Health and non-Health Security, Diplomacy and International Relations through the Enlightened Design and Delivery of Smart Global Health Programs
TypePhD thesis
AuthorsKevany, S.

Foreword: We live in an era of blurred lines – between disciplines, professions, pursuits. Phones are no
longer phones, but are camera and diaries, entertainment systems and work stations. Engineers have become environmental engineers – considering the environmental impact of their work, just as much as its structural integrity. Similarly, ecological modernizers attempt to unify development and industrialization with environmental protection and advancement in a synergistic, mutually supportive manner. In the realms of global health, diplomacy, security and international relations, as addressed in the following, such synergistic, interdigitated and smart approaches are also in play. In all such cases, such enlightened approaches are the hallmark of enlightened human evolution.

PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
PublishedSep 2018
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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