Lexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism

Caink, A.D. 2019. Lexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism. in: Chapman, Siobhan and Clark, Billy (ed.) Pragmatics and Literature John Benjamins. pp. 115–137

Chapter titleLexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism
AuthorsCaink, A.D.
EditorsChapman, Siobhan and Clark, Billy
Keywordsliterary pragmatics, relevance, Grice, lexical pragmatics, parallelism
Book titlePragmatics and Literature
Page range115–137
PublisherJohn Benjamins
Publication dates
PublishedNov 2019
SeriesLinguistic Approaches to Literature
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1075/lal.35
Web address (URL)https://benjamins.com/catalog/lal.35

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