Alternative digital journalism in Greece under conditions of austerity

Boucas, D. and Iosifides, P. 2020. Alternative digital journalism in Greece under conditions of austerity. in: Veneti, A. and Karatzogianni, A. (ed.) The Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 143-158

Chapter titleAlternative digital journalism in Greece under conditions of austerity
AuthorsBoucas, D. and Iosifides, P.
EditorsVeneti, A. and Karatzogianni, A.

This chapter investigates how alternative digital journalism operates in the broader context of the austerity economy in Greece. Using as a background the historical interweaving of interests between economic power, political power and media, the chapter explores the current state of digital journalism in Greece and whether it can flourish and serve the ideals of independence, objectivity and pluralism. The internet provides new possibilities for pluralism in journalism and gives rise to alternative media outlets that purport objectivity and independence from vested economic interests (e.g. advertising) and political pressures. However, the financial sustainability of such ventures is questionable and the regulatory framework in a heavily concentrated Greek media ecology weak or non-existing. In this chapter we examine the origins and mission statements of selected cases of alternative digital media outlets/projects, as well as their financing sources and business models. We then discuss sustainability issues and the limits to alternative digital journalism. Our empirical data derive from desktop research, short structured interviews with academics and longer semi-structured interviews with key actors of alternative digital media.

Keywordsdigital journalism
alternative media
Book titleThe Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece
Page range143-158
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Publication dates
Published in print22 Oct 2020

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