The Pragmatics of Modern Greek Cooking blogs

2020. The Pragmatics of Modern Greek Cooking blogs. Chondrogianni, M. (ed.) 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. London, University of Westminster ICGL13.

TitleThe Pragmatics of Modern Greek Cooking blogs
EditorsChondrogianni, M.
TypeConference paper

A pragmatic analysis of MG cooking blogs is presented, within the context of Computer Mediated Communication.

Computer Mediated Communication
MG Cooking Blogs
Conference13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Publication dates
Published14 May 2020
Journal citationpp. 90-98
Book titleProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics
Book editorChondrogianni, M.
Courtenage, S.
Horrocks, G.
Arvaniti, A.
Tsimpli, I.
Web address (URL) of conference proceedings
Web address (URL)

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