Chávez’s "Aló Presidente" and its Impact on Venezuela’s Journalistic Practice

Bracho-Polanco, E. 2020. Chávez’s "Aló Presidente" and its Impact on Venezuela’s Journalistic Practice. Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 49 (1), pp. 42-51.

TitleChávez’s "Aló Presidente" and its Impact on Venezuela’s Journalistic Practice
TypeJournal article
AuthorsBracho-Polanco, E.

As Venezuela’s leader, Hugo Chávez utilized the media intensively and innovatively to boost his radical
political project. The broadcast talk-show Aló Presidente became the most important component of his
communication strategy, followed by his use of blanket broadcast messages. Chávez’s flagship program
subverted liberal tenets, and has to this day served as a template in Latin America for populist communication.
This study examined the ways Venezuelan journalists and media professionals have understood
Chávez’s hyper-mediatic leadership –with special emphasis on Aló Presidente– and the impact the program
and the official blanket messages had on their practice. A wide array of journalists, media practitioners,
and commentators were interviewed about their views regarding Chávez’s media strategies and Aló Presidente,
and tensions arising between different ideals of normative journalistic practice. Opinions among
local journalists about the above-mentioned issues, this study found, are divided within a highly-polarized
frame. And normative media ideals of liberal trends were challenged by pro-Chávez journalists, while an
important faction of media professionals maintained that such practices are non-democratic.

Keywordsjournalism studies; journalism and media practice; media regulations; populism; Venezuela; Hugo Chavez; Hello President
JournalIberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Journal citation49 (1), pp. 42-51
ISSN 2002-4509
PublisherStockholm University Press
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published25 Aug 2020

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