Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene

Harper, E.T. and Specht, D. (ed.) 2021. Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene. Routledge.

TitleImagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene
EditorsHarper, E.T.
Specht, D.

The end is nigh! Or is it? For many, the apocalypse is already here or happened many years ago, spurring countless tales of the end times. This book grows out of a recognition that the apocalypse captures our collective imagination more than almost any other story. The stories we tell and the art we generate about the apocalypse is revealing of how we, as a species or a culture, come to terms with our own mortality and the potential or past destruction of everything we hold dear. This chapter introduces the key concepts discussed in the book and asks, what might an apocalyptic politics for the Anthropocene look like?

Publication dates
Published29 Sep 2021
Web address (URL)https://10.14296/920.9781912250387

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