Current impacts of planning policy related to flood resilience on historic urban morphological development in North Jakarta

Mathewson, D. 2019. Current impacts of planning policy related to flood resilience on historic urban morphological development in North Jakarta. 12th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU): Beyond Resilience - Towards a More Integrated and Inclusive Urban Design. Jakarta, Indonesia 24 - 26 Jun 2019

TitleCurrent impacts of planning policy related to flood resilience on historic urban morphological development in North Jakarta
AuthorsMathewson, D.
TypeConference paper

This paper explores historic institutional responses to flooding and the influences of such planning policies on the spatial development of Jakarta in the context of pressures from severe flooding and rapid urban development against a background of significant recent institutional change from the national to the local level. This study will focus on the local scale, considering recent changes to patterns of urban spatial development in North Jakarta as new flood defences have been constructed as part of a wider network of flood mitigation infrastructure currently being implemented by local and national government. Two sites will be analysed using urban morphology with GIS-based mapping and satellite imagery: Kampung Akuarium and Kampung Gedung Pompa, both of which have been affected by the construction of these new flood barriers, in terms of the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of new structures. Using document analysis, newspaper articles and data from a joint workshop undertaken with local residents of the two sites in April 2018, a historic institutionalist approach will be used to understand the policy context and decision-making process involved with the practical realisation of flood-resiliency in the city, which has resulted in a number of side-effects, including displacement of local residents, problems of land tenure, access to affordable housing, severance of social networks and interruption of local livelihoods.

Historic institutionalism
Urban morphology
Urban planning
Conference12th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU): Beyond Resilience - Towards a More Integrated and Inclusive Urban Design

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