Blog: Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s

Day, C. 2021. Blog: Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s. Past & Present.

TitleBlog: Global narratives of Britain in the 1990s
AuthorsDay, C.

This post is the fourth in a series of six blogs documenting and critically engaging with a workshop series hosted by Dr. David Geiringer (QMUL) and Dr. Helen McCarthy (Cambridge) under the title ‘Rethinking Britain in the 1990s: Towards a new research agenda’. Running between January and March 2021, the series brought together contemporary historians from a range of career stages to map existing work and stimulate new thinking on a decade which, from the perspective of our present times, looks very unfamiliar indeed.

PublisherPast & Present
Publication dates
Published26 Feb 2021
Web address (URL)

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