"Are trans rights human rights? The case of gender self-ID"

Nicol, D. 2021. "Are trans rights human rights? The case of gender self-ID". Public Law. July, pp. 480-489.

Title"Are trans rights human rights? The case of gender self-ID"
TypeJournal article
AuthorsNicol, D.

The article argues that the right to self-identify as a man or woman without conditions does not constitute a human right within the meaning of European or domestic human rights law since the issue involves conflicts between human rights. For this reason, the matter is best left to the United Kingdom Parliament rather than the courts.

conflicting rights
Human Rights Act
JournalPublic Law
Journal citationJuly, pp. 480-489
PublisherSweet & Maxwell Ltd.
Accepted author manuscript
CC BY-NC 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Publication dates
Published07 Jun 2021

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