The Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.3

1970. The Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.3.

TitleThe Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.3

Harbour Scene at Sunset demonstrates Claude’s use of architecture. Comparison with features of Ordination from Nicolas Poussin’s Seven Sacraments series. Landscape With Sacrifice to Apollo. Detail from The Landing of Aeneas at Pallanteum. The Rise of the Roman Empire. His buildings are often based on Roman ruins - Pastoral Capriccio with the Arch of Constantine, but The Enchanted Castle looks more like Bernini’s rejected design for the Louvre (1664). Even in Claude’s more atmospheric pictures, he works in a strictly classical way, using formal classical images. Details from Pastoral Landscape, Mill on a River, Harbour at Sunset. Pastoral Capriccio with the Arch of Constantine. Pastoral Landscape evoking the minor gods and nymphs of ancient Rome. Sketches of countryside, landscapes and animals, including On the Road from Subiaco to Tivoli (1642) and The Tiber from Monte Mario, many done from life, but some altered to make a better composition. Drawn view of Tivoli and surroundings. The same sketch shows Claude’s technique of adding crimson to his brown ink to indicate reflected light. Poussin’s much more solid sketch of the Aventine hill. Trees drawn by Poussin and by Claude.

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The Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.2
1970. The Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.2.

The Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.4
1970. The Art of Claude Lorrain - ACE022.4.

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