Kinetics. The record of an exhibition. Hayward Gallery 1970 - ACE024.3

1970. Kinetics. The record of an exhibition. Hayward Gallery 1970 - ACE024.3.

TitleKinetics. The record of an exhibition. Hayward Gallery 1970 - ACE024.3

People moving nails against a magnetised steel background. Mechanical noises over. Electro-magnetic force field. Light shows. Colour kaleidoscopes, etc. Changing colours in joined lighted hemispheres. Light patterns. Lights in electronic circuits. Constructions of glass rods lit with different colours. Moving angled metal bars forming ever-changing patterns. Patterns formed through opposing movement of perforated surfaces. Liquid patterns, oil and water, etc. Mechanical devices, moving light and patterns. Outdoor exhibits at night. Commentary says the exhibition was very popular, with over 120,000 visitors who came to enjoy an "anonymous" display of contemporary art, and suggests reasons why such art is so appealing. Credits.

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Kinetics. The record of an exhibition. Hayward Gallery 1970 - ACE024.2
1970. Kinetics. The record of an exhibition. Hayward Gallery 1970 - ACE024.2.

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